LSU Museum of Art

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A Conversation with LSU MOA Graduate Assistant, Kirsten Campbell

LSU MOA recently spoke with graduate assistant Kirsten Campbell, who is currently working towards a Doctor of Design in Cultural Preservation (DDes) at LSU. Campbell has been assisting LSU MOA Curatorial Team with many exhibition and collections projects. Check out the photos below to see Kirsten in action at LSU MOA and read our conversation below to learn more!

LSU MOA: Hey Kirsten! Can you tell us about yourself? What are you studying at LSU?

KC: My name is Kirsten Campbell and I’m currently working on my doctorate degree in Doctor of Design in Cultural Preservation (DDes). I plan to graduate from LSU in Spring 2023. In the DDes program, my area of concentration is archival studies. I am interested in Preserving Black art, history and culture in Baton Rouge. My concentration also allows me to earn a graduate certificate in archival studies in the Library Science program simultaneously. I envision that my final DDes project will be a community archive that will be dedicated to preserving, promoting and exhibiting the contributions that African Americans have made to Baton Rouge throughout its history. My ultimate career goal is to open an arts and cultural center in North Baton Rouge that will nurture the next generation of artists, curators, archivists and creatives.

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LSU MOA: What projects have you been working on with LSU MOA?

KC: As a part of the LSU MOA Curatorial Team, I have worked on exhibitions, programming, and collections. Currently, I am working on blogs, gallery guides, and cataloguing works for our upcoming shows. The most significant thing that I am working on is the Community Insights Project. This project is about honoring the perspectives of the LSU MOA community by inviting them to share their insights and experiences with our collection and exhibitions. The museum is seeking voice recordings from the community currently. We encourage people to use a voice recording app on their phone, such as voice memo, to record and then email their submission to LSU MOA to be added to artwork labels in the gallery for people to scan QR codes and hear voices from the community about these works. If you are interested in participating, please fill out the form here and LSU MOA will contact you.

We Want to Hear from You. Fill out this form to participate in LSU MOA’s Community Insights Project.

LSU MOA: What is your favorite work in LSU MOA collections, can you tell us about it from your research?

KC: I would have to say that my favorite work is the newly acquired work Far Beyond the Valley by Radcliffe Bailey (pictured below). Bailey is one of my favorite artists, and I think this is because his art and my research are connected. I study how photography is a way to archive and preserve histories and memories, especially amongst African American communities and families. His works are a testament to that. Bailey often uses photographs from his family archive to explore his own ancestry, heritage and culture and combines them with artifacts, texts and symbols. His works are somewhat of a cultural portal to me. They are really large and captivating. They demand your attention and take up space.

IMAGE: LSU MOA Graduate Assistant, Kirsten Campbell standing in front of Radcliffe Bailey’s Far Beyond the Valley now on view in LSU MOA’s exhibition Collection Spotlight: Recent Acquisitions by Black Artists (on view until September 26, 2021). Artwork information: Radcliffe Bailey (American, b. 1968), Far Beyond the Valley, 2003, mixed media on wood, Purchased with funds from Winifred and Kevin Reilly, LSUMOA 2020.2.1

LSU MOA: What have you gained from your experience with the LSU MOA curatorial team and working with our collection?

KC: The most important thing that I have gained is a deeper respect and understanding for exhibitions, curation, and preservation. Prior to working at the LSU MOA, I loved museums and I love art as a patron. Being on the other side of museums has been insightful. I have really enjoyed learning about how to care for and handle objects.

LSU MOA: How has this experience impacted your career goals and your studies at LSU?

KC: Working at the LSU MOA has shown me that preserving, archiving, and curating culture is indeed my passion. I have always believed this but being able to actually do it has really confirmed this for me. It has given me the motivation, knowledge, and inspiration to continue on the path to completing my ultimate goals.

LSU MOA: Your advice for graduate assistants and those looking to have a career in the museum field?

KC: Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone. Be flexible and be teachable. Be yourself and most importantly, take care of yourself.

We appreciate Louisiana CAT for supporting LSU Museum of Art graduate assistantships. Their support allows the museum to provide arts education and career experience to students. Thank you!